9 December 2024 | Nicola Wood & Ken Shaw
Brushing your teeth is a mundane but essential daily task. So mundane that, beyond choosing a toothbrush and toothpaste that meet your needs, you probably don't give the task much thought. When you're running late because your teenager's hogging the bathroom, there isn't really time for a toothpaste-related existential crisis.
However, if your health is a priority, and you want to live more mindfully, you should take a long, hard look at your choice of oral care products.
Discover the health-boosting properties of eucalyptus oil. Learn how it can enhance well-being and explore its practical uses. Read the article now!
24 February 2024 | Nicola Wood & Ken Shaw
Would saving bees give you a buzz? Would you consider buying ethical honey to give bees a chance and save humans from certain doom? Our future is in your sticky fingers!
13 July 2020 | Nicola Wood & Ken Shaw
Just when you thought you had your ethical lifestyle down to a tee, along comes another source of anxiety and debate: monkeys picking coconuts. Recent media reports claim that in Thailand, pigtailed macaques are taken from the wild, made to pick around 1,000 coconuts a day and are mistreated by farmers.
But is there any truth to the claims of abuse and forced labour? Is it just sensationalist reporting? Did a monkey really pick your coconuts?
2 July 2020 | Nicola Wood & Ken Shaw
The word "plastic" has become something of profanity in the 21st century. We're constantly bombarded with information about how plastic is killing the planet.
But - and here's a controversial question - is plastic bad? Is it really the scourge of the modern age and the bringer of environmental doom?
1 October 2019 | Ken Shaw
Is Palm Oil Bad For The Environment?
I heard a smart and amusing saying years ago, which compares every situation to a slice of bread:
"No matter how thin you slice it, there are always two sides!"
My approach to writing this article is just that. I will try to address both the good and the bad, albeit simplified, and offer my personal opinion at the end. But is just my opinion :)